Hayata Destek Derneği

People and Culture Coordinator

Ad Details
  • Work Type

    Tam Zamanlı
  • Sector

    Kar Amacı Gütmeyen
  • Education

    Üniversite (Lisans) , Yüksek Lisans
  • Foreign Language

    İngilizce (C2, Level 6, Advanced) , Türkçe (C2, Level 6, Advanced)
  • Location

    İstanbul, Türkiye
  • Experience(Year)

  • Ad Date

  • Application Deadline

  • Remaining Day

Ad Description

Support to Life:  We are an Istanbbul-based, internationally recognized humanitarian organization that aims to ensure communities affected by disaster and conflict have access to basic rights and needs. Founded in 2005 by five women, STL works under the programs of Emergency Response, Refugee Support, Child Protection, and Localization & Capacity. We abide by the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, independence, impartiality, and accountability.

We support those in need to access their basic rights and necessities and to achieve self-reliance. We aim to eliminate the risks faced by children living in challenging conditions, particularly in seasonal agricultural areas. At times of crisis, we conduct emergency operations and implement recovery efforts in their aftermath. Additionally, we work to strengthen disaster preparedness among civil society and pioneer locally-led action. Through our brand 'destekar', a social enterprise, we transform everyday shopping for daily needs into an opportunity to contribute to a fairer and more equitable world.

We carry out our activities in coordination with our headquarters in Kadıköy, Istanbul, and through field offices and mobile teams operating in a number of provinces across the country. While primarily active in Türkiye, we also provide mentorship to local actors and civic initiatives in other regions.

We are seeking a highly experienced and forward-thinking People and Culture Coordinator to join our team. This key role will be responsible for creating and maintaining a positive, flexible, and results-driven organizational culture. The People and Culture Coordinator will focus on strategic HR management, talent development, employee well-being, and agile transformation, and support the organization’s overall growth and success in a constantly evolving environment.

Main Duties and Key Responsibilities:

Strategic Leadership and Planning

  • Design and implement a comprehensive HR strategy that supports the organization’s mission and long-term goals.
  • Drive a positive and inclusive culture, integrating STL’s values (solidarity, collaboration, accountability) into daily operations and decision-making.
  • Provide strategic recommendations and insights to the Executive Team on workforce planning, talent management, and organizational development.
  • Ensure HR policies and practices are compliant with local regulations, donor requirements, and international standards.
  • Collaborate with senior leadership to align HR objectives with the overall organizational strategy.

Process, Systems, and Policy Development

  • Lead the development and implementation of HR policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels.
  • Continually review and update HR policies to reflect the changing needs of the organization and best practices in the sector.
  • Oversee all HR operations, ensuring efficiency and collaboration within the People and Culture department.
  • Regularly evaluate and adjust the compensation and benefits structure, ensuring alignment with sector standards and organizational capacity.
  • Supervise payroll and personnel administration processes to ensure accuracy and timeliness.

Talent Management and Development

  • Develop and execute recruitment, onboarding, and retention strategies to attract high-performing individuals committed to our mandate and work.
  • Design tailored training and leadership development programs to ensure ongoing professional growth for staff at all levels.
  • Create and implement a performance management system that encourages continuous feedback, fosters professional growth, and aligns with STL values and culture.
  • Promote a culture of recognition, growth, and development through regular performance reviews and targeted learning opportunities.

Employee Experience, Wellbeing, and Engagement

  • Be responsible for strategic human resource planning in line with STL’s agile transformation goals, the continuous development of organizational design, and the cultivation of a culture of collaboration and experiential learning
  • Lead the creation and execution of staff well-being initiatives that enhance job satisfaction, work-life balance, and overall health.
  • Spearhead employee engagement surveys, evaluate results, and work with teams to develop actionable plans that improve workplace culture.
  • Serve as a trusted point of contact for staff members, addressing concerns and fostering a culture of open, transparent communication.
  • Drive the development and implementation of internal communication strategies that ensure all staff are well-informed and engaged.

Agility and Change Management

  • Support the organization’s transition to an agile work environment, ensuring staff are equipped with the agile tools, methods, training, and support to succeed.
  • Lead the change management processes that accompany organizational shifts or the introduction of new operational structures or systems.
Required Qualifications and Competencies:
  • Advanced degree in Human Resources, Organizational Development, or a related field (Master’s degree preferred).
  • At least 7 years of experience in senior HR leadership roles, with a preference for experience in the humanitarian aid or non-profit sector.
  • In-depth understanding of local labor law, HR regulations, and compliance with donor and funding requirements.
  • Proven expertise in building and nurturing a strong organizational culture, managing talent and employee engagement at scale.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead change management processes and promote organizational agility in complex environments.
  • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, with a capacity to build trust and rapport with employees at all levels.
  • Highly organized, with strong project management skills and the ability to oversee multiple initiatives simultaneously.
  • Proficiency in English (both written and spoken) is essential.

As Support To Life, we believe in equal opportunities and conduct our recruitment processes accordingly. In all our administrative and operational processes, we act in line with our Child Safeguarding Policy and Gender Equality Policy.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


About the Company

Hayata Destek Derneği (STL), Türkiye ve çevre bölgelerde afet risklerini azaltma, afete hazırlık, acil yardım ve iyileştirme çalışmaları yapan bağımsız bir insani yardım kuruluşudur. Hayata Destek, toplumsal katılımı öncelikli tutarak, yerel kapasiteyi geliştirmek, afet risk ve etkilerini en aza indirmek, toplulukların temel ihtiyaç ve haklarının karşılanmasına destek vermek için toplum-temelli çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Hayata Destek’in hedefleri doğrultusunda sürdürmekte olduğu stratejik çalışma alanları aşağıdaki gibidir; · Mülteci Destek: STL, Türkiye’deki Suriyeli mültecilerin temel hak ve ihtiyaçlarına erişimini sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Geçim kaynağını destekleme amaçlı mesleki kurslar yürütmenin yanı sıra psiko-sosyal destek odaklı toplum merkezleri ve vaka yönetimi faaliyetleri yürüten mobil destek ekipleri aracılığıyla mültecilere doğrudan destek ulaştırmaktadır. · Çocuk Koruma: STL, Türkiye’de çocuk işçiliğini sorunuyla mücadele için risk altındaki çocuklara yönelik çalışmalar yürütmekte, bu konuda özellikle mevsimlik tarım alanında çalışan ya da çalışma potansiyeli olan çocuklara odaklanmaktadır. Mülteci krizi ile birlikte Türkiye’de çocuk işçiliğinin yeni bir boyut kazanmasıyla bu alandaki çalışmalara mülteci çocuklar da dâhil edilmiştir. · Acil Yardım: STL, olası bir afet durumunda, afetlerden etkilenen topluluklara ayni ve nakdi yardım sunarak acil yardım operasyonları yürütmektedir. Bu kapsamda gıda ve gıda dışı temel ihtiyaçların karşılanması,barınma koşullarının iyileştirilmesi yanı sıra su, sanitasyon ve hijyen ihtiyaçlarına cevap verilmesi hedeflenmektedir. · Sivil Toplumu Güçlendirme ve Ağ Oluşturma: STL, afet risk yönetimi ve etkili insani yardım çalışmaları için ihtiyaç duyulan sivil toplum kapasitesini güçlendirmek adına anahtar paydaşları bir araya getirmek için çalışır. Raporlama ve kapasite geliştirme faaliyetlerinin yanı sıra, kamu ve sivil toplum alanındaki ilgili paydaşlar ile aktif bir koordinasyon mekanizması oluşturularak Türkiye’de afete hazırlık, etkili müdahale ve risk yönetimi konularında iyileştirme sağlamayı amaçlanmaktadır.

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