Hayata Destek Derneği

Project Manager

Ad Details
  • Work Type

    Tam Zamanlı
  • Sector

    Kar Amacı Gütmeyen
  • Education

    Üniversite (Lisans) , Yüksek Lisans
  • Foreign Language

    İngilizce (C2, Level 6, Advanced) , Türkçe (C2, Level 6, Advanced)
  • Location

    İstanbul, Türkiye
  • Experience(Year)

  • Ad Date

  • Application Deadline

  • Remaining Day

Ad Description

Support to Life:   We are an internationally recognized humanitarian organization that aims to ensure disaster-affected communities have access to their basic rights and needs. Founded in 2005 by humanitarian professionals, our association works under the programs of Emergency Response, Refugee Support, Child Protection, and Localization & Capacity Building. We focus on improving the lives of people affected by natural or human-made disasters in Türkiye and the surrounding regions.

We support those in need to access their basic rights and necessities and to achieve self-reliance. We aim to eliminate the risks faced by children living in challenging conditions, particularly in seasonal agricultural areas. In times of disaster, we conduct emergency relief operations and implement recovery efforts in their aftermath. Additionally, we work to strengthen disaster preparedness in civil society and support the empowerment of localization. Through our brand 'destekar', which we define as a social design market, we transform everyday shopping for daily needs into an opportunity to contribute to a fairer and more equal world.

We carry out our activities in coordination with our headquarters in Kadıköy, Istanbul, and through field offices and mobile teams operating in various provinces. While primarily active in Türkiye, we also provide consultancy to local initiatives in other regions.

Approximately 150 humanitarian aid professionals are involved in our projects, which are supported by international funds and local contributors. We design and implement our work in accordance with the global principles of humanitarian assistance, including neutrality, independence, humanity, impartiality, and accountability.

We are seeking an experienced Project Manager to join our team. (remote working)

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

Main Functional Areas: Project management, coordination between STL and Disaster Platform members, Representing STL in the Disaster Platform, project development, reporting, contributing to the STL's Disaster Risk Reduction-related programs

Project Management

  • Manage the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation processes of project activities within the scope of the Capacity Building of Civil Society in Disaster Risk Management Project.
  • Coordinate the Assessment to understand the interests, needs, and expectations of Disaster Platform members regarding potential training topics related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), the humanitarian sector, and cross-cutting sectors, within the scope of the Project.
  • Analyze capacity assessments to identify certain needs and expectations of participants and create the content of the trainings in accordance with the results of the assessment with the participation of the interested DP member organizations 
  • Facilitating and organizing trainings, and ensuring proper documentation of all training processes including attendance lists, training reports, training planning, and database records
  • Establish a working group and accountability buddy system among the training participants to ensure follow-up and peer-to-peer exchange, share existing experiences, and discuss potential risks, good practices, and problems faced.
  • Encourage and support DP member organizations to develop instructive content such as training guides and manuals, checklists, policy documents, etc., in their own areas of institutional expertise.
  • Lead the creation of a map/expert pool of DRR experts focusing on different humanitarian sectors among DP member organizations and organizations outside the Platform
  • Facilitate training participants to access and benefit from the STL 360 digital learning platform. To support the hosting and dissemination of the content produced within the scope of the project in the 360 learning platform library.
  • With the support of the relevant manager, plan the project budget, monitor budget reports, and revise the budget as necessary.
  • Prepare monthly, quarterly, and final reports of the project and share them with all relevant stakeholders.
  • Manage the documentation process in accordance with project closure and audit processes.
  • Identify and document best practices and lessons learned in DRR following training sessions, and share them with all DP members, as well as public stakeholders and other relevant actors.
  • Organize a lessons-learned workshop for DP members and conduct experience-sharing visits to observe post-training implementations.

Coordination, Networking and Representation

  • Maintaining close relations with all relevant internal and external stakeholders
  • Ensure that the Project proceeds in a participatory manner during the planning and implementation phases and that the project activities are coordinated between STL and other implementing DP members of the project.
  • To ensure coordination between the experts of STL and other DP member organizations providing the trainings identified within the scope of the project
  • Contributing to and promoting synergistic coherence among different DP activities.
  • With the guidance of the relevant manager, maintain relationships with relevant public authorities, local governments, and national and international NGOs within the framework of the project, and represent STL in coordination and networking events as appropriate.
  • Ensure a strong coordination mechanism with all relevant STL departments and units in line with project needs.
  • Participating in the general forum meetings and providing comprehensive updates on the project's overview.
  • Coordinating with all project partners to ensure alignment and collaboration to achieve shared objectives.


  • Graduated from relevant departments of universities,
  • Having at least 5 years of professional experience in NGO sector,
  • Having at least 3 years of experience in Project and Team management,
  • Knowledgeable and experienced in humanitarian aid, refugee protection, child protection, and child safety,
  • Advanced MS Office skills,
  • Fluency in written and spoken English and Turkish.
  • Excellent planning and organizational skills.
  • Having strong communication skills and being able to work with individuals from different cultures,
  • Being able to adapt to the principles of STL and its organizational culture, and representing STL.


About the Company

Hayata Destek Derneği (STL), Türkiye ve çevre bölgelerde afet risklerini azaltma, afete hazırlık, acil yardım ve iyileştirme çalışmaları yapan bağımsız bir insani yardım kuruluşudur. Hayata Destek, toplumsal katılımı öncelikli tutarak, yerel kapasiteyi geliştirmek, afet risk ve etkilerini en aza indirmek, toplulukların temel ihtiyaç ve haklarının karşılanmasına destek vermek için toplum-temelli çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Hayata Destek’in hedefleri doğrultusunda sürdürmekte olduğu stratejik çalışma alanları aşağıdaki gibidir; · Mülteci Destek: STL, Türkiye’deki Suriyeli mültecilerin temel hak ve ihtiyaçlarına erişimini sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Geçim kaynağını destekleme amaçlı mesleki kurslar yürütmenin yanı sıra psiko-sosyal destek odaklı toplum merkezleri ve vaka yönetimi faaliyetleri yürüten mobil destek ekipleri aracılığıyla mültecilere doğrudan destek ulaştırmaktadır. · Çocuk Koruma: STL, Türkiye’de çocuk işçiliğini sorunuyla mücadele için risk altındaki çocuklara yönelik çalışmalar yürütmekte, bu konuda özellikle mevsimlik tarım alanında çalışan ya da çalışma potansiyeli olan çocuklara odaklanmaktadır. Mülteci krizi ile birlikte Türkiye’de çocuk işçiliğinin yeni bir boyut kazanmasıyla bu alandaki çalışmalara mülteci çocuklar da dâhil edilmiştir. · Acil Yardım: STL, olası bir afet durumunda, afetlerden etkilenen topluluklara ayni ve nakdi yardım sunarak acil yardım operasyonları yürütmektedir. Bu kapsamda gıda ve gıda dışı temel ihtiyaçların karşılanması,barınma koşullarının iyileştirilmesi yanı sıra su, sanitasyon ve hijyen ihtiyaçlarına cevap verilmesi hedeflenmektedir. · Sivil Toplumu Güçlendirme ve Ağ Oluşturma: STL, afet risk yönetimi ve etkili insani yardım çalışmaları için ihtiyaç duyulan sivil toplum kapasitesini güçlendirmek adına anahtar paydaşları bir araya getirmek için çalışır. Raporlama ve kapasite geliştirme faaliyetlerinin yanı sıra, kamu ve sivil toplum alanındaki ilgili paydaşlar ile aktif bir koordinasyon mekanizması oluşturularak Türkiye’de afete hazırlık, etkili müdahale ve risk yönetimi konularında iyileştirme sağlamayı amaçlanmaktadır.

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