Hayata Destek Derneği

Logistics Expert

İlan Detayları
  • Çalışma Şekli

    Tam Zamanlı
  • Sektör

    Kar Amacı Gütmeyen
  • Eğitim

    Üniversite (Lisans) , Yüksek Lisans
  • Yabancı Dil

    İngilizce (C1, Level 5, Upper-Intermediate) , İngilizce (C2, Level 6, Advanced) , Türkçe (C2, Level 6, Advanced)
  • Lokasyon

    İstanbul, Türkiye
  • Deneyim(Yıl)

  • İlan Tarihi

  • Son Başvuru Tarihi

  • Kalan Gün

İlan Açıklaması

Support to Life: Internationally renowned humanitarian aid organization founded to ensure access to basic rights and needs for individuals and communities affected by natural or human-made disasters. Founded in 2005 by 5 women academics and humanitarian aid workers, STL carries out Emergency Response, Refugee Support, Child Protection, and Capacity Building in Civil Society, to improve the living conditions of people affected by natural or human-made disasters in Turkey.

STL supports access to basic rights and essential needs, aims to eliminate the risks for children living under dire conditions, prioritizes seasonal agricultural workers, and provides immediate aid services during disasters. Besides, STL works towards a civil society well-prepared for disasters.

STL works with the support of a headquarters based in Kadıköy/Istanbul and with field offices located in several provinces in Turkey as well as mobile teams.

STL gives utmost importance to upholding the humanitarian principles —neutrality, independence, humanity, impartiality, and accountability— in the projects it develops and implements with a team of around 250 professionals and the support of international and local donors. You may visit www.supporttolife.org or check our social media accounts to learn more about our work.

Support to Life is seeking a Logistics Expert team member who lives in or can live in Istanbul.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Implement a comprehensive logistics system across operational areas, ensuring alignment with institutional and donor procedures as well as compliance with humanitarian principles and standards.
  • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and tools for establishing, managing, and closing operations, and support field logistics teams in their implementation.
  • Coordinate with field logistics officers for the leasing and setup of new operational sites, including conducting architectural inspections, facilitating renovations, and overseeing furnishing and equipment with the support of the procurement team.
  • Oversee administrative and logistical aspects during the closure of operational sites.
  • Identify and incorporate logistical requirements into project proposals, covering areas such as site rent, infrastructure, security management, and cost estimates for field sites, offices, warehouses, living spaces, community centers, and vehicles.
  • Develop detailed logistical plans for each approved project, support logistics officers during implementation, and monitor workflow and output quality.
  • Establish systems for vehicle and fuel management.
  • Oversee and maintain records for all properties and subscriptions under the organization’s ownership.
  • Create SOPs and tools for warehouse operations (opening, managing, closing), and support field logistics teams with their implementation.
  • Prepare, deliver, and regularly update training content on logistics processes for logistics officers.
  • Provide on-site and remote support to field logistics officers, conduct regular monitoring based on established checklists, and report findings.
  • Create and maintain catalogs for temporary field sites and child-friendly spaces.
  • Coordinate semi-annual field inventories.
  • Collaborate with the Humanitarian Logistics and Security Manager on disaster preparedness and business continuity at the field level.
  • Address any safety gaps identified by occupational safety experts and coordinate training sessions as necessary.
  • Establish and manage emergency warehouses for essential equipment and tools in case of disasters.
  • Maintain comprehensive records, reports, and documents related to logistics activities.
  • Conduct orientation and refresher training for drivers.
  • Ensure completeness and accuracy of all logistics documents in preparation for audits and support audit processes alongside the relevant team.
Required Experience & Qualifications
  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in humanitarian operations in a similar role.
  • Proven experience in logistics, field management, and team management.
  • Strong knowledge of humanitarian principles and standards.
  • Fluency in Turkish and good proficiency in English.
  • Proficient in MS Office applications.
  • Successful in planning and task follow-up.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  • Positive, growth-oriented mindset that encourages agile and innovative solutions.
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Adaptability to the principles and organizational culture of the association.

STL is an equal opportunities employer. STL is committed to providing and maintaining a comprehensive child safeguarding and gender-based equality perspective in all its operational and administrative processes.

Firma Hakkında

Hayata Destek Derneği (STL), Türkiye ve çevre bölgelerde afet risklerini azaltma, afete hazırlık, acil yardım ve iyileştirme çalışmaları yapan bağımsız bir insani yardım kuruluşudur. Hayata Destek, toplumsal katılımı öncelikli tutarak, yerel kapasiteyi geliştirmek, afet risk ve etkilerini en aza indirmek, toplulukların temel ihtiyaç ve haklarının karşılanmasına destek vermek için toplum-temelli çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Hayata Destek’in hedefleri doğrultusunda sürdürmekte olduğu stratejik çalışma alanları aşağıdaki gibidir; · Mülteci Destek: STL, Türkiye’deki Suriyeli mültecilerin temel hak ve ihtiyaçlarına erişimini sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Geçim kaynağını destekleme amaçlı mesleki kurslar yürütmenin yanı sıra psiko-sosyal destek odaklı toplum merkezleri ve vaka yönetimi faaliyetleri yürüten mobil destek ekipleri aracılığıyla mültecilere doğrudan destek ulaştırmaktadır. · Çocuk Koruma: STL, Türkiye’de çocuk işçiliğini sorunuyla mücadele için risk altındaki çocuklara yönelik çalışmalar yürütmekte, bu konuda özellikle mevsimlik tarım alanında çalışan ya da çalışma potansiyeli olan çocuklara odaklanmaktadır. Mülteci krizi ile birlikte Türkiye’de çocuk işçiliğinin yeni bir boyut kazanmasıyla bu alandaki çalışmalara mülteci çocuklar da dâhil edilmiştir. · Acil Yardım: STL, olası bir afet durumunda, afetlerden etkilenen topluluklara ayni ve nakdi yardım sunarak acil yardım operasyonları yürütmektedir. Bu kapsamda gıda ve gıda dışı temel ihtiyaçların karşılanması,barınma koşullarının iyileştirilmesi yanı sıra su, sanitasyon ve hijyen ihtiyaçlarına cevap verilmesi hedeflenmektedir. · Sivil Toplumu Güçlendirme ve Ağ Oluşturma: STL, afet risk yönetimi ve etkili insani yardım çalışmaları için ihtiyaç duyulan sivil toplum kapasitesini güçlendirmek adına anahtar paydaşları bir araya getirmek için çalışır. Raporlama ve kapasite geliştirme faaliyetlerinin yanı sıra, kamu ve sivil toplum alanındaki ilgili paydaşlar ile aktif bir koordinasyon mekanizması oluşturularak Türkiye’de afete hazırlık, etkili müdahale ve risk yönetimi konularında iyileştirme sağlamayı amaçlanmaktadır.

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