Ad Details
  • Work Type

    Tam Zamanlı
  • Sector

    Özel Sektör
  • Education

  • Foreign Language

    İngilizce (C2, Level 6, Advanced)
  • Location

    Ankara, İstanbul, Türkiye
  • Experience(Year)

  • Ad Date

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  • Remaining Day

Ad Description

The Procurement Officer ensures the effective planning, implementation, and management of low- and medium-risk procurement processes, contributing to the successful execution of projects in compliance with ICMPD’s regulatory framework, ethical standards, and donor requirements. Working under the guidance of the Procurement Team Lead and in collaboration with project teams, the Procurement Officer develops tailored procurement strategies, coordinates procurement activities, and maintains robust documentation for audit readiness. By delivering transparent, accountable, and value-driven procurement solutions, the Procurement Officer supports organisational goals and maximises project outcomes.


About the Company

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation, with 21 Member States and working in more than 90 countries worldwide. Contributing to the development of better and safer migration policies and programmes, ICMPD takes a holistic approach to migration: structurally linking policy and research, cooperation, community outreach, and capacity development. With over 500 staff members, it takes a regional approach in its work towards efficient cooperation and partnerships along key migration routes, with a focus on Africa, Central and South Asia, Europe, Mediterranean, and the Middle East. Founded in 1993 with headquarters in Vienna and liaison office in Brussels, ICMPD holds UN observer status and cooperates with more than 200 partners including EU institutions, UN agencies, Member States, and several countries. ICMPD receives contributions from its Member States and bilateral donors, the European Commission, UN partners, and other multilateral institutions.

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