Protection Officer

Ad Details
  • Work Type

    Tam Zamanlı
  • Sector

    Özel Sektör
  • Education

    Üniversite (Lisans)
  • Foreign Language

    İngilizce (C2, Level 6, Advanced)
  • Location

    Ankara, Türkiye
  • Experience(Year)

  • Ad Date

  • Application Deadline

  • Remaining Day

Ad Description


Leads and coordinates YSYD’s protection program with the objective of providing timely and effective protection to populations of concern, as well as supervising protection interventions within an office. The incumbent must also have the ability to forge strong partnerships with government entities, UN agencies, and NGOs to facilitate the operation’s protection objectives. To achieve this, the Protection Officer will need to build and maintain effective relations with communities of concern. The protection officer works in coordination and cooperation with other team members and reports to the Project manager.


  • Responsibilities & Tasks:  .

Within delegated authority, Protection Officer will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Provides coordination of the protection department, Provides and improves interdepartmental collaboration
  • Provides regular checks for the complete filling of the completed protection screening and referral forms.
  • Provides orientation trainings for people who will work in the protection department
  • Provides six-step case management, follows cases with case assistants together
  • Within the scope of international vulnabilities criteria, protection officer determines the vulnabilities of the cases and prepares the appropriate care plan
  • Manages cases, including maintaining confidentiality and individual consent protocols,
  • Carry out socio-economic aid processes and to work in coordination with the relevant departments
  • Maintains ongoing interactive and positive relations with the refugee and Turkish communities; establishes strong relationships with society on the basis of trust,
  • Meet with community stakeholders, local leaders and key community members to inform and involve them in the project,
  • Maintains ongoing interactive and positive relations with the refugee and Turkish communities; establishes strong relationships with society on the basis of trust,
  • Meet with community stakeholders, local leaders and key community members to inform and involve them in the project,

Required Skills/Qualifications:


  • At least 2 years of relevant professional humanitarian experience with a humanitarian aid organization with focus on psychosocial, community services and protection.
  • Experience with case management protocols is mandatory.
  • Level of knowledge and practice with Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.
  • Exceptional command (written and spoken) of English. Turkish and Farsi is a plus.
  • Understands rights and protection issues of refugees, children and women - experience working with Afghan refugees is an advantage;
  • Excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills, working with different groups, partners and nationalities.

Strong initiative and self-motivated, with a strong commitment to teamwork and humanitarian principles

  • Flexible, enthusiastic and willingness to learn from others.
  • Ability to multitask and cope with competing demands under tight deadlines.
  • Ability to cope with high workload and stress and identify priority activities and assignments, and adjust priorities as required.
  • Ability to establish and maintain good working relationships in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment.
  • Experience working with SGBV survivors.
  • Experience working with case management.

Flexible and responsive


Send your application to the e-mail address with the reference code.

Reference code: REF0234 Application Link

About the Company

Yerel ve Sığınmacılarla Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma ve Destekleme Derneği (YSYD), bir sivil toplum kuruluşu olarak, mülteci hakları, doğal afetler, krizler, çatışmalar, insan hakları ihlallerinden etkilenmiş birey ve toplulukların ihtiyaçlarını, sorunlarını, yaşam koşullarının iyileştirilmesini ve temel gereksinimlerin karşılamalarına katkı sağlayan bir insani yardım kuruluşudur.

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