Çalışma Şekli
Tam ZamanlıSektör
Özel SektörEğitim
Üniversite (Lisans)Yabancı Dil
İngilizce (C2, Level 6, Advanced)Lokasyon
Kırşehir, Karabük, TürkiyeDeneyim(Yıl)
1-3İlan Tarihi
19.03.2025Son Başvuru Tarihi
30.03.2025Kalan Gün
. The job holder will be responsible for designing and implementing the M&E activities of the Project; assisting the Project Manager in preparing Monthly/Quarterly/Annual reports on project progress and will monitor the project activities on a regular basis, developing and maintaining qualities of the Project activities and will be responsible for the collection & analysis of different data in relation to the project activities.
The MEAL Assistant works in close collaboration with work closely with project team and project staffs, Government officials, private sector, non-government and civil society organizations
Responsibilities & Tasks: Within delegated authority, M&E Assistant will be responsible for the following tasks: • Establishing comprehensive data collection tools and collecting projects quality and quantity data via community participatory assessment, monitoring study, case study, success story etc. • Conduct comprehensive monitoring on project activities and expenditures towards achieving project output. • Monitor and evaluate overall project progress on achievement of results. • Providing code of conducts, child policy and any other relevant training to project staff. • Ensuring organizational complaint mechanism • Conducting staff individual assessment • Provide feedback and suggestions to relevant project manager on project progress, activities and evaluation strategies. • Assist relevant project managers in the preparation of reports on the findings and lessons learned from project innovations. • Maintain timely and accurate record keeping in the database • Draw up periodic reports on all project activities. • Carry out any other duties relevant to the nature of the job as requested by the Project Manager. • In case of temporary/permanently leave situation, Handover Report will be filled out and submitted to the relevant departments,
Required Skills/Qualifications:
Language Skills: Fluent in English, Computer Skills: Microsoft Office, Excel, Word, Power Point.
In relation to their level of skills and experience the post holder may be required to carry out additional duties from time to time that are reasonable.
Başvurunuzu referans kodu ile eposta adresine iletiniz.
Firma Hakkında
Yerel ve Sığınmacılarla Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma ve Destekleme Derneği (YSYD), bir sivil toplum kuruluşu olarak, mülteci hakları, doğal afetler, krizler, çatışmalar, insan hakları ihlallerinden etkilenmiş birey ve toplulukların ihtiyaçlarını, sorunlarını, yaşam koşullarının iyileştirilmesini ve temel gereksinimlerin karşılamalarına katkı sağlayan bir insani yardım kuruluşudur.
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